Meet Dr Rosemary
Taking The "Dis" Out Of The Disengaged.
Dr Rosemary McCallum is a renowned keynote speaker, published author and authority in the field of human development.
She is dedicated to helping managers like you learn the techniques that will solve the frustrating and debilitating behavioural patterns of disengagement once and for all..
Specialising in taking the “dis” out of the dis-engaged Rosemary helps managers to implement a high functioning emotional culture and steadfast team engagement through Foundational Emotional Intelligence.

Dr Rosemary McCallum Holds an impressive 25-year record that has activated the exceptional in over 3000 individuals and helped companies and businesses to increase their bottom line through staff engagement and enhanced productivity, by amalgamating a unique blend of metaphysics and behavioural science which generates phenomenal results.
Hailed as a gifted teacher, facilitator and mentor, Rosemary powerfully and consistently delivers these results through workshops, keynote speeches or individual coaching. Her renowned presentations are engaging, thought-provoking and practical.
Her tag line is “I deliver Pioneering Ideas”. She leads with a bold and unconventional vision that epitomises her motto “don’t think outside the box, remove the box and utilise the blend of powerful creativity with practical solutions for sustained success.”
This comes from her inherent ability to always be on the cutting edge of exploring and creating different ways to move forward with building a robust emotional culture, sustained team engagement and consistent results.
Rosemary has an innate ability to draw out the unique qualities of each person and empower people to work together productively. Passionate about people and their potential, she built her reputation on the belief, People = Productivity = Profit.
Rosemary maintains people are people, they are not titles and when we look past the title and see the actual person then we have an opportunity for phenomenal growth.
Australia's Leading Female Keynote Speakers Credentials
Rosemary works with individual clients from all walks of life, worldwide. She has delivered keynotes and workshop to SMEs, corporate enterprises, government and local governments, health industry, finance industry, educators, not for profits and entrepreneurial groups.
Her emphasis is on teaching management the credible strategies of Foundational Emotional Intelligence which focuses on people bringing meaning and purpose to what they do. The result is that management acquires the skills to create a powerful impact on growing their people which results in increased engagement and sustained growing profits.
“Doing work on doing, will never sustain staff engagement, it requires a deeper unseen solution and that solution is all about feeling!
There I said it the F word, FEELING!
Intellectualising the solution is only compounding the problem”
Dr Rosemary McCallum

"When managers learn the techniques for taking the “DIS” out of disengagement they become a catalyst for building renewed meaning and purpose in their teams”
Dr Rosemary McCallum
A Snippet of Where Rosemary Has Been Seen and Heard
Australasian Association of Internal Auditors
Adelhelm & Associates Enterprise Bargaining Conference Business Administrators Victoria
Early Life Foundations Conference invited back 2 years in a row and going national in 2020
Australasian Association of Professional Organisers (AAPO)
National Convention Council of Adult Education (CAE)
Leadership Program Yarra Ranges Shire (Youth Department)
Ultimate Business Support
Breyk throo Business Breakfasts
Yarra Ranges and Knox Council – Women on the Go conference
Magnificent Women Network
Bloom Network
Chief spokesperson for the Magdalene Foundation – Charity
Yarra Valley Radio FM presenter on “Mind Matter” and “Women in Business”
Interviews on SBS TV, 6FM Perth Tonight, LAFM Launceston,
Casey Radio and Talking Lifestyle Macquarie Media.
Success on Purpose
Difference Maker
Dr Rosemary McCallum has run the highly successfull Abundant Life Solutions Group, for over 15 Years, conducting regular workshops and conferences on personal and professional development.
Rosemary's Qualifications include:
Ph.D - Life Coaching - Doctor of Metaphysics-Holistic Life Coaching
B.Msc Bachellor of Metaphysical Science
Dip.of Prof. Counselling– Behavioral Science
Certified Gallup Strengths Coach
International Accredited Assoc. Stress Consultant - Corporate
Cert IV Training & Assessment